If you didn't know, there are most definitely do's and don'ts in the dabbing world, and when seshing with others, we call this dabbing etiquette. In this article, we are going to go over what dabbing etiquette is and what to do and not to do at your next dab sesh.
Dabbing etiquette is just like any other etiquette. It is the simple do's and don'ts of dabbing or having a sesh with others. You always want to be respectful and clean and dab properly when you are having a dab session, and this means having general rules when it comes to your glass, sesh behavior, and dabbing experience in general hence having dab etiquette.
Here are some pointers that will put you in the clear and headed in the right direction at your next dab session.
Keep your dabbing essentials close to you with everything in reach. This leaves your area organized, and you are not having to constantly get up or reach over anyone during the sesh.
Let's face it, sometimes the guys can get carried away. So ladies first! Let the ladies enjoy a quick dab first before any goofing off and competition between the boys start.
Always have a good butane torch on hand. Usually, people have a torch cage around it to keep from burning yourself and other things with the hot torch. Having a good working, safe butane torch makes the sesh easy.
Not only can the sesh be hot, but so can your torch and banger. Be sure that you, your friends, and your dabbing essentials all have a place to cool off properly.
Having a dabber stand or dab tool holder always comes in handy when seshing. This keeps your dab tool off the table and away from touching or picking up unwanted things when you're trying to dab.
Always be safe when dabbing. Be sure to pay attention to your surroundings, don't put heated things near things that will burn or melt, and keep your dabbing station clean and secure.
Things happen, and sometimes out of our hands. Be sure to have extra dabbing accessories and cleaning supplies on hand. Accidents happen, and you never know when you could run out.
If you are dabbing with other people and they bring their own dabbing items to the session, respect their stuff. Just as much as you want to take your things home in good condition and one piece, so do others. Be careful and mindful when using other people's dabbing equipment.
As chill as stoners can be, there are just some things you shouldn't do when you're dabbing with others.
If it's your first time, take it easy. Don't ever try to do more than you can handle. Dabbing without knowledge can hurt and give you an unpleasant experience.
Unclean dabbing equipment and accessories can alter the flavor and consistency of your dabs. It is also just gross looking and overall gives you an unclean dabbing experience.
Take your time, breathe, and don't rush. Those dabs aren't going to run off, and you can be kind to your lungs. Inhale and exhale with ease and on your own time.
Don't waste dabs! This can happen when you get too much concentrate or when you attempt too large of a dab. This is wasteful in the end, and no one likes that.
Dabbing hits hard and fast. It can be way more intense and intimidating for some people. Always know your limits. Getting too high is never a fun experience.
Bring your own concentrate to share or dab for yourself at the sesh. Not everyone wants you to dip out of theirs, and not everyone can afford to share. Freeloading is a no-go. Contribute or get lost.
Who knew dabbing etiquette, and all these do's and don'ts? Well, if you didn't, know you do. Always be respectful and mindful when dabbing by yourself or with others; it creates an overall more pleasant dabbing experience and session for all.
Besides, you should also be aware of the effect of dabbing and how long dabbing will stay your system. It’s a basic rules of dabbing. In other words, if you don't know what it's effect is, you could suffer a great deal.