The Two Piece Terp Chain is an awesome addition to any Honeysuckle style quartz nail. These function by sealing the top of the Honeysuckle style banger while the second valve marble with attached chain and 6mm pearl hangs into the cylinder of the nail. Airflow that is brought in through the air holes in the bottom of the Honeysuckle will cause the chain to whip and move.
This movement of the chain aids in the vaporization of your product by moving it around the cylinder as well as it will draw your product up the chain, enabling complete vaporization. This chain hang length is 28mm and the material of this dab insert is glass.
Also! Make sure to check out our One Piece Glass Terp Chains that are designed specifically for the Beehive, Whirlwind, or Honeysuckle Quartz Bangers!