This blog is all about the Diamond Knot Quartz Banger! If you want to find out what a Diamond Knot is, how it works, and how to use it, you're in the right place. Keep reading to learn more!
A Diamond Knot banger is a quartz banger that has a stationary knot blown into the middle, with a flat top. This banger can come in different shapes and sizes but are all used the same.
A Diamond Knot Banger is different from regular bangers for one simple reason, you aren't required to use a carb cap. This takes out an entire step of the dabbing process and users all over seem to really enjoy it.
The Diamond Knot Banger can be used very easily and can be for beginners or daily dabbers.
A Diamond Knot Banger can be beneficial due to the ease of not having to use a carb cap. It cuts down on the dabbing process time and allows you to get straight to it. It can also handle hotter dabs and dabs in large quantity.
At Honeybee Herb we offer the Diamond Knot Honey Stax, our very own version of a Diamond Knot that will blow you away!
This is the Diamond Knot Honey Stax from Honeybee Herb. This 6-layer Quartz Banger can handle mega heat and is instantly ready for dabbing! Simply heat and place your fav concentrates on top. The six-layer honeycomb-like design allows your product to travel down the chambers, vaporizing as they go. This prevents your product from staying in one spot on your nail and burning. You will definitely want one of these for your collection.
Caring for a Diamond Knot is a breeze if you do it right! A Diamond Knot Banger has to be cleaned after each use. Due to the intricate design of the knot itself, it is easy to burn excess residue to the knot on your next reheat. After using your Diamond Knot and it is still warm, dunk in an iso alcohol dunk basket to remove left over dabbage. Sizzling is a normal sound to hear when dunking a warm banger into iso. After this rinse, dry, and repeat the process if necessary.
I told you if you kept reading you would learn all about Diamond Knot Quartz Bangers and lucky for you, you can get one here at Honeybee Herb. If you liked this blog, follow us on our socials or find more under dabbing resources on our website.