Complete Guide To Dab Reclaim?

Last Updated On August 26, 2024 at 5:50 am
August 8, 2024

This is all about Dab Reclaim! What is it, how can you collect it and use it! Keep reading to learn more about collecting reclaim so that you can be prepared!

What Is Dab Reclaim?

Reclaim is the excess residue that builds up as you smoke your different concentrates. Reclaim can be reused and re-smoked as it contains leftover cannabinoids and terps. If you aren't smoking it you can cook with it and eat it to get all those good effects.

Collecting Reclaim

Reclaim can be collected easily with the help of a reclaim catcher, a drop down adapter, or the old fashioned way. Read more below!

Collection Process Without Tool.

If you don't have a reclaim catcher or tool to scoop or grab the reclaim, you have to do things the old-fashioned way. 

Firstly, remove your banger and down stem to your rig if it is removable. Add iso alcohol into your dab rig and shake gently to loosen the reclaim. 

Pour the alcohol and reclaim into a heat safe dish. Use a hot plate on the lowest temperature to heat and evaporate the liquid. Remember, don't heat over an open flame, alcohol is flammable! 

Once your liquid has evaporated, allow your reclaim that remains to dry out for 24 hours before using it!

Collection Process With Reclaim Catcher.

Reclaim Catchers have made collecting reclaim a breeze in comparison to doing it the old way. Reclaim catchers come in a multitude of styles and designs including drop down styles and ones with removable bases.

Reclaim catchers work by pulling the excess residue into the bottom of the reclaim catcher before it goes into your dab rig. You can then easily remove the base and scoop out and access your reclaim.

Reclaimed Dab Vs. Concentrates

So how exactly is reclaim different from your regular concentrates? 

Reclaim is a buildup of residue from dabbing your concentrates. Reclaim is a broken-down version of the concentrates. 

Reclaim does not have the same cannabinoid and terpene contents since it has already been vaporized through once. Reclaim also will have a different taste and it is nowhere near as pleasant. 

Smoking reclaim can be a harsher on your throat and lungs but in the end still gets the job done if you have to use it.

How To Use Reclaim?

Step-1: Scoop a small amount of reclaim onto a dab tool.

Step-2: Place your scoop into a heated-up banger.

Step-3: Use a carb cap to help vaporize your reclaim.

Step-4: Inhale and enjoy the effect of your reclaim!

Tips For Using Dab Reclaim.

  • Using dab reclaim is easy but can be a little different than your normal concentrates.
  • Reclaim is a different consistency and needs a good tool to pick it up, preferably use a dab tool with a wide tip. 
  • You also want to make sure your reclaim is dried out thoroughly. 
  • If you have the slightest bit of moisture in your reclaim it can pop when heated. 
  • You smoke it just like you would with normal concentrates with a torch, banger, and carb cap.


Yes, you can smoke reclaim just like you would your regular concentrates.

Yes, you can use reclaim to make edibles!

To get water or alcohol or any other excess liquid out of your reclaim. put your reclaim in a heat safe dish and allow it to sit on a hot plate on low temperature for the extra liquid to evaporate.


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Quartz Bangers & Dab Nails

Buy low price, high quality domeless titanium dab nail, dab tools, dab rig nail, dab rig kit & dab rig starter kit online at Honeybee Herb. These nails fit in a variety of water pipes and vapor rigs.

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